ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Certified Management System ISO 9001:2015
Certified Management System ISO 9001:2015
Junior Employee of the Year – Brent McKague
Huron Manufacturing Association
Huron Manufacturing Association
Employer of the Year (less than 20 employees)
Huron Manufacturing Association
Huron Manufacturing Association
Corporate Citizenship Award
Huron Manufacturing Association
Junior Manufacturer of the year – Tyler Campbell
Huron Manufacturing Association
Huron Manufacturing Association
Junior Manufacturer of the year – Tyler Campbell
Huron Manufacturing Association
Youth Integration & Training Award
Huron Manufacturing Association
Huron Manufacturing Association
Youth Integration and Training Award
sponsored by the Huron Manufacturing Association
Youth Integration Award Winners R&R Machine & Tool Inc. is actively involved in supplying opportunities for youth through a co-op program for more than 10 years. They also have apprenticeships at their facility and, in conjunction with the HMA, facilitated a number of school tours for Grade 10 and 11 manufacturing classes throughout Huron County.
- Huron Manufacturing Excellence Award Winners
sponsored by the Huron Manufacturing Association
Youth Integration Award Winners R&R Machine & Tool Inc. is actively involved in supplying opportunities for youth through a co-op program for more than 10 years. They also have apprenticeships at their facility and, in conjunction with the HMA, facilitated a number of school tours for Grade 10 and 11 manufacturing classes throughout Huron County.
- Huron Manufacturing Excellence Award Winners
Industry of the Year Award
sponsored by Wingham & Area Chamber of Commerce
WACC Industry of the Year Joy Stewart, CIBC presents the 2005 CIBC Industry of the Year Award to Ron and Ruth Schefter of R&R Machine & Tool Inc. This award is presented to the industry which has had an impact on the area in any of the following ways: growth, sales, leadership, community involvement, sound employee relationships, safety in the workplace, environmental awareness, new product introduction, or research and development.
- Wingham Advance-Times 2005
sponsored by Wingham & Area Chamber of Commerce
WACC Industry of the Year Joy Stewart, CIBC presents the 2005 CIBC Industry of the Year Award to Ron and Ruth Schefter of R&R Machine & Tool Inc. This award is presented to the industry which has had an impact on the area in any of the following ways: growth, sales, leadership, community involvement, sound employee relationships, safety in the workplace, environmental awareness, new product introduction, or research and development.
- Wingham Advance-Times 2005